Council News


Combined Degree

Our Council 2031 is hosting a combined degree on Wednesday November 10th following the
memorial mass at 7.00pm.

If you know of unregistered candidates or members who have not completed their third degree,
please call Keith at 306.783.0963.


District Deputy Message for February 2020

February is a busy shortest month of the year even though a day has been added this year.

Your State Board in conjunction with the State Charitable Foundation has, for the second year, set in motion a drive to support all seminarians in Saskatchewan. An endowment fund was set up last year to help with the costs that seminarians incured which is about $33,000 per year. We are in short supply of priests within our province. We have priests who are still working well past that they have wished to retire from daily obligations.

All Knights along with parishioners are being asked to support this drive. Remember that Knights are the right arm of the Church and supporters of our priests. All Bishops in Saskatchewan are in full support of this endeavour.

What is an endowment fund? It is a separate fund set up by your Charitable Foundation to support the definition of the fund. There are several endowment funds set up by the Charitable Foundation. Some are in memory of persons and some are set up for specific designations. If you are sending in a donation to the Charitable Foundation you designate it to one of its purposes. You can set it up as a funeral donation or from your will.  This endowment fund is set up for seminarians and can be designed as such if no specific envelopes are available.

This drive has a life of three years to raise an investment base that will pay out to each seminarian an equal value to each. Last year each seminarian received $1000. The fund is paid out of the earned value of the investment. The investment is never touched. Hope is that by year three the fund will have enough money to invest in our seminarians per year. There are currently 11 seminarians representing the Dioceses and Eparchy.
Every Knight is encouraged to support this drive both financially and with prayer. Make this on your to do list for February.

Your humble servant
Wayne Exner


District Deputy Message for January 2020

January, the start of a new calendar year.

The start of a new year should be a start to new beginnings. New beginnings in our life. New beginnings within our councils. What do you mean new beginnings in our council? We have our calendar of events planned for the fraternal year. Yes, everyone probably has their events planned. Are they the same events as last year? Are they the same events that you have been doing for the last number of years or forever?

A new year is upon us. It is the start of a new decade.
Yes, a new decade and at least one new program. The Supreme council has given us in the last two years a new program – Faith in Action. What are the new programs? Supreme is asking you to come back to the Church with your programs. Have your Program Director and Faith Director to search out the suggested programs that you as a council can do in the Church. All brother knights, when your council tries some of these programs – participate. Include your priest.

We as knights started as the right arm of the Church. Let us return to our roots. Surround yourselves brother knights with faith based programs. Make this a priority this year.

Just as our shift on programs is back in the Church, Supreme is making other changes to reflect the direction that we as an organization is going. In the upcoming month/months there will be a change in which we conduct our degrees. All who have observed degrees lately have seen changes over the last few years. Yes brothers, be prepared for some more big changes. We proclaim that we are a family organization. Let us practise being a family organization.
I hope everyone has a healthy and spiritual 2020. May God be in your heart.

Your humble servant
Wayne Exner.


District Deputy Message

District Deputy Message

December. Winter. Christmas. All related to the month about to start. What does it mean to you? What does it mean to you as a member of a great organization of our Church? What are your plans for this month? What do you do to make it meaningful to you?

Does Christmas mean Christmas trees, shopping and special food?
Christmas is a great Christian celebration related to the birth of our saviour and our King. Everything else related to modern Christmas is immaterial.

If we focus on the one day in December that is most important – the birth of our saviour then we will be more fulfilled. Should it be the best and biggest celebration? Yes.

We need to celebrate the birth of our saviour with our friends and family. The first thought on Christmas day should not be presents. The first should be how we celebrate the birth of our saviour. Visit our King at His place. Celebrate his birthday at Mass. Celebrate with friends. Celebrate with family.

Look around your place of worship. Who is the busiest? Who could enjoy your help? Being a member of the Knights of Columbus signifies us as the right arm of the Church. Being a member of the Knights of Columbus you are there to support the priest. How are YOU going to help your Church and priest? Many hands make a big job easier. Are you making it easier?

Our Saviour, family and friends. Now that is Christmas.

Let us remember the true meaning of Christmas. Have a great Christmas.

Your humble servant
Wayne Exner.


Keep Christ in Christmas

a good group of our members started on November 23 at 9:00am to put our Christmas sign up. As well to install the outdoor Nativity to the West side of our Church, St.Gerard.

The weather couldn't have been better with temperatures slightly above zero and a bit of sunshine.